As we Christians go through our lives as followers of Jesus Christ, we need to differentiate ourselves and identify ourselves as disciples of Jesus. The Israelites had a similar problem. As they traveled to the promised land, they needed to…
Don’t Use the Dress Code to Choose Your Church
I’ve driven past many churches that have a sign out front promoting the fact they dress casually. That is the wrong basis for promoting a church and it is the wrong basis for choosing a church because it puts the…
Beware the Wrath of God
The conventional wisdom denies the existence of the wrath of God. Many people believe God is all love and patience, and He never gets mad at anyone or anything. Exodus 32 tells us God does get angry, particularly against idolatry.…
Prayer Is Giving, Not Receiving
It’s easy to fall into the trap of viewing prayer as simply a list of things we want. Sometimes we treat God like He is a genie in a bottle. The Bible uses incense to teach us to think about…
Seek To Please God, Not Ourselves
We live in a narcissistic society where our goal is to please ourselves and make ourselves feel good. The Bible reminds us we should have a different goal. For example, Exodus 29 tells us the burnt offering sacrificed at Aaron’s…
Fear the God of the Bible
Many people refuse to believe we should be afraid of God. They believe a God who inspires fear is not a legitimate God. However, Exodus 28 lists some small sins where the punishment was death. Leviticus 10 tells us Nadab…
Grace Does Not Reduce God’s Majesty
Many Christians picture God as a lovable teddy bear and a heavenly Daddy who will let us snuggle in His lap. Revelation 4 gives us a glimpse of heaven that teaches us the exact opposite: God has a majestic presence…
God Deserves Hard Work
In our culture we are willing to work hard at our jobs, sports, and hobbies, but we are not very willing to work at studying the Bible and serving Jesus. In Exodus 26 we learn the Israelites put forth a…
God Deserves Better Music
One of the big negatives of contemporary Christian music is the low quality. The lyrics are bad and unbiblical. The melodies, harmonies, and rhythms are very basic. And the singers have poor tonal quality and diction. In Exodus 25 we…
Cheap Church Buildings Reflect Cheap Theology
In our society there is a tendency to frown upon expensive church buildings. The rationale is there are better ways to use that money, like missions or helping the poor. In Exodus 25 we learn the Israelites built the tabernacle…