One of the characteristics of life in the 21st century is that things are always changing. In some cases, things are changing very fast. For example, technology changes at a very fast pace. In addition to that, lifestyles are changing.…
2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 Truth is More Important Than Emotions
It is very likely that you have heard the term emerging or emergent church. However, you may not know what that means. Emerging churches value feelings and emotions over truth. The problem with this value system is the Bible teaches…
Two Fundamental Flaws of Contemporary Christian Music
If you are at all familiar with American Christianity over the last several decades, you are aware that we have been fighting something that is often called the worship war. Essentially, this is a battle over the music we use…
Titus 1:1 Truth
This is the 13th lesson in a series of lessons on the book of Titus. In this lesson we’ll look at Titus 1:1 and talk about truth. Our society is focused on emotions. Many decisions are made based on what…
2 John 1:7-11 Some Truths Are More Important Than Others
As you know, the Bible is a big book, and there are many teachings in the Bible. Everything in the Bible is important; however, some truths are more important than others. Today, I’m going to look at 2 John and…
2 John 1:1-4 Walking in Truth
The word truth is used five times in the first four verses of 2 John. Verse 4 contains a reference to walking in truth. In order to understand what the author of 2 John was communicating about walking in truth,…
Exodus 34:4-5 God’s Name Communicates a Fundamental Truth
In our culture we choose names based on whether or not we like the sound of the name. In Biblical culture, they chose names that communicated truth about the person, place, or thing being named. Thus, the names they used…
Our Concept of Worship is Wrong
Many Christians think worship is an emotional experience. If they sit in church and connect emotionally with the music or the sermon, they think they have worshipped. If they are out in nature, reveling in the beauty of God’s creation,…
Stop Being Repulsed by the Truth
Many people, including many Christians, are repulsed at the mention of the wrath of God. They also have difficulty believing that God would send people to an eternity in a lake of fire. The problem is they are making their…