This is a study of Job 25 where we learn how to be a successful parent. The Bible tells us the intent of every man’s heart is evil from his youth; however, the Bible describes Noah and Job as being blameless and…
How to be humble when we are successful
This is a study of Job 23-24 where we learn how to be humble when we are successful. The Bible tells us Job was an exceptionally upright man. Job 23-24 tells us Job knew he was upright and he defended his integrity…
How to refute health and wealth theology
Today we’re going to study Job 20 and learn how to refute health and wealth theology. Job 20 tells us there was a man named Zophar who believed the wicked never prosper and that suffering is caused by sin. If…
How to Overcome Affliction
Today we’re going to address the topic “How to overcome affliction”. Affliction is an important topic because all of us face affliction as we go through life, and we need to know how to persevere through affliction so that our…
Why do the wicked prosper?
Today we’re going to answer the question: Why do the wicked prosper? Our passage is Job 18. This question is important because all of us want life to be fair, and when we see the wicked prosper, we know that…
Why Doesn’t God Answer?
Around 2000 BC there was a man named Job who was healthy, wealthy, and wise, but then Satan destroyed everything Job owned, killed Job’s children, and ruined Job’s health. Three friends named Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar came to visit Job…
Does Poverty Indicate Sin?
Thanks for watching this episode of Bible Mountain dotcom. This episode is part of a series of studies on the book of Job called Why Do People Suffer? In this episode we will answer the question, “Does poverty indicate sin?”.…
Do we falsely accuse God?
Once upon a time a teenager discovered she was missing a piece of jewelry. After searching for it for several hours to no avail, she accused her father of taking it. She had no evidence he took it, but she…
Does confession lead to prosperity?
Have you ever gone through a difficult period of time and wished there was a magic formula to make the pain go away? Did you wonder if there was a sin in your life that was causing the pain and…
How to Overcome Despair
There once was a man who suffered money and health problems. His problems were so bad he lost all hope and became convinced things would never get better. Do you relate to this despair? Are you without hope? Do you…