The first verse of the book of Nahum tells us the book of Nahum is an oracle regarding Nineveh. This oracle was given in an historical context, so in order to understand the book of Nahum, it’s helpful to understand…
Why is Nahum in the Bible?
The word why is a very powerful word. Asking why is a great tool to get to the heart of a matter and discover true intent. Therefore, when studying a book of the Bible, it’s helpful to ask why the…
2 Thessalonians 3:10 Perpetual Welfare is Unbiblical
Over the past 100 years, the western world has developed massive government welfare programs in which the government provides subsidies for housing costs, food, education, and medical expenses. The result is there are many people who spend years living off…
How Do We Explain Abraham and Sarah Pretending to Be Siblings?
Many people who grew up going to church or who regularly attend church now are familiar with the book of Genesis and the life of Abraham. For the most part, people have a positive impression of Abraham. However, there are…