What should you do when conventional wisdom is at odds with the Bible? For example, the conventional wisdom in our society is that the earth is billions of years old. If you add up the numbers in the Bible you…
Is Yahweh worthy of our allegiance?
The first commandment is to have no other God before Yahweh. Is Yahweh worthy of preeminence? The Book of Psalms contains many commands to praise Yahweh. Is Yahweh worthy of praise? Jesus said the greatest commandment is to Love Yahweh…
What should we do when someone harms us?
What should we do when someone harms us physically, financially, or emotionally? Should we harm them? Should we harm them twice as much as they harmed us so they don’t do it again? Should we harm them 3 times more…
How does Cain’s sign help us?
The word “sign” is used over 150 times in the Bible. Not only is it a frequently used word, it is a very important word. Signs were an important part of ancient Middle Eastern culture, just as the scientific method…
What does God think of humanity?
Do you ever try to imagine things from God’s perspective? What does God see? What does God hear? Genesis 4 contains a brief statement that gives us a large insight into what God hears when He looks at the earth.…
Does God have regard for you?
Do you ever wonder what God thinks of you? Is He pleased with you or is He displeased? Since we can’t see God and we can’t read His facial expressions, how do we know what He thinks? Genesis 4 gives…
What should we know about angels?
Do you ever think about angels? Do you know whether or not they exist? Do you know what they do? Have you ever met one? Does it matter? Genesis 3 provides some answers to these questions. Genesis 3 tells us…
What do thorns and thistles tell us about God’s power?
If you have ever done any farming or gardening, or if you have ever tended flower/shrubbery beds, then you know that weeds are a constant problem. Even if your intended crop doesn’t grow, weeds still grow. Do you ever wonder…